13 Sign Astrology
Astrology is one of the oldest psychotherapeutic tools on the planet.
There is a good reason for this: it works! In my experience the most
accurate calculation is when the 13th sign is reintegrated and we use
sidereal - which is where the planets are currently located in the sky.
If we’re going to use astrology as a map, we want to look at where the planets
actually are, right?
In esoterica, astrology shows our planetary schooling. In astrological sessions we go
into depth of where you’ve been and what you’re meant to be learning this life.
This helps you get to the bottom line of what you’re doing here, so you can get
into alignment with your soul, and live the life you were born to live. We look
at your natal chart which is the blueprint you were born with. This is vast and
holds all of your coding. In the extended readings we can see how the planets are
affecting you right now, what transits you are currently in, and how to make the
most out of them. We also look at your progressed chart, which is your chart
evolving over time. I believe our mothers should be given our charts at our time
of birth, so they can know how to nurture us best and what our needs are - I’m sure
this is how it was in more spiritually attuned times of the past.
It can also be very beneficial for couples to have their charts done together in a
synastry reading, to see compatibility, or what may come up between you, and ways to
work with the dynamic. Its always so helpful to have a good understanding of your
partner, what their needs are, and also what yours are!
This is the first step.
In a reading we often identify detrimental patterns that are woven into your life. The
beauty of working with me is that I have helpful tools for you to navigate these issues.
When we work deeper together in the True Blueprint container, we explore how to implement these
tools in your life.
Sacred Bodywork
The power of touch cannot be underestimated. It’s a fundamental need of ours. When
we go for a massage it is often very clinical, and they rarely, if ever, touch your tummy. This seems
crazy to me since all of our organs are there, not to mention our stored emotions. This is where
we can have the most powerful releases of all. Warm, wise hands supporting and aligning our
centre, nourishing us.
Mayan abdominal massage is an ancient technique of massage that comes from the shamans and
midwives in the jungles of Belize, designed to optimise the systems of flow within the womb
and pelvis: flow of the blood, chi, lymphatics, venous and nervous system. This will allow
the womb to find the optimal position in the pelvis and bring to remedy any misalignment – painful
periods, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, and hormone imbalance during menopause to name a few. This
massage also optimizes fertility, which is rapidly declining today, because of various factors in
modern day living.
The Mayans believe the womb is where the spirit lives, and that when the uterus is out of alignment,
everything will be out of alignment. It’s very common for this to happen, so it’s very important
to learn how to get the womb into alignment, and to support this through various ways as taught in
Mayan abdominal therapy sessions.
These sessions can be done on their own, or in conjunction with other healing modalities, where we can experience
a fun recalibration and soul rewrite. We can access complete remastery and transformation in our lives that lasts.
Transformational Somatic Counselling
In times gone by we would seek counsel and support from various different people, such as priests or village elders.
Over time the role of a counsellor continued to develop, where it has now become standard practice to hold a
non-judgemental space, where you are heard and listened to, so that you can come to your own conclusions, and be empowered
in your process. You actually hold all of the answers within you, and I would never deny you the opportunity to find them. My role is
to help you find those answers, and powerfully and gently hold you through any profound shifts you may experience, as you move
through mental and emotional blockages that are holding you back.
It is my duty of care to hold you in a safe place while you navigate these parts, whilst also supporting you to do so.
Sometimes these blockages are physical and stored in the body and this needs addressing, which is where I can assist you with
profound and sacred bodywork.